The Internet Picture Dictionary

Spanish Pronunciation Guide

Spanish Vowels

All vowels in Spanish make only one sound each:

A . . . sounds like . . . ah as in "father"
E . . . sounds like . . . ehh as in "bet"
I . . . sounds like . . . ee as in "bee"
O . . . sounds like . . . oh as in "go"
U . . . sounds like . . . oo as in "to"

Spanish Consonants

Most consonants are the same as in English, except:

C . . . is an "S" sound in Latin America, or a "TH" sound in Spain
G . . . is soft "H" sound
H . . . is silent
J . . . is a deep, throaty "H" sound
LL . . . is a drawn-out "Y" sound
R . . . is rolled
RR . . . is rolled very emphatically
V . . . is a "B" sound
Z . . . is an "Z" sound in Latin America, or a "TH" sound in Spain

Non-English Characters

ñ . . . sounds like . . . n-y as in "onion"